Our homes are increasingly becoming our workplace, whether on a full time or part time basis, more and more of us now work from home. In addition to this, outside of the working day, our homes are filled with gadgets that keep us warm, fed, healthy and connected. We’ve been asking ourselves, what can we do to keep our home running during a power outage? Are power outages going to become more commonplace in the UK? Is the UK infrastructure able to support the increase in demand? Is the infrastructure reliable?

We wanted to share some of our research on this topic and highlight how we plan to protect ourselves. We invite our customers to share their thoughts and join Net Zero Integrated Solutions community first approach.

It doesn’t take long to find some interesting sources of information online. A lot of what we found merely refined our thinking. We are all bombarded with so much information regarding the energy crisis, climate change and renewable resources. It becomes a bit like white noise after a while and that is counterproductive.

Our area of focus is renewable energy.

We all know there is a huge problem with dependence on dirty energy and its environmental impacts. We all feel it every day. The problem can seem so huge that it’s easier to leave it to others to solve. We are here to say, “that’s rubbish”. We can all do more. We must.

The summary of our research is simple. Historical models don’t work. We need a new way of thinking. Solving this problem cannot be about large corporations making huge sums and selling us services.

We believe most people want to do something meaningful. It is not made easy for us to do so. That is where Net Zero Integrated Solutions want to help.

Our Research

Without a global remodel, aging power grids could suffer more power outages and alter any global climate goals.

A 2023 article by The Verge revealed that 50 million miles of the worlds power grids need a major overhaul.

Governments and utilities need to add or replace the equivalent of virtually all the world’s power grids by 2040 to reliably keep the lights on.

That’s 80 million km’s of infrastructure that needs a major upgrade, according to a first-of-its-kind report released by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Countries need to adopt more ambitious plans to phase out the fossil fuels causing climate change and back those plans up with the policies and necessary funding to switch to clean energy.

In March 2024 the former Energy Secretary, Claire Coutinho, announced that she planned to build new gas power stations, which she said were needed to ‘back up’ renewable energy. She said that without them, the UK could face power outages. Whilst the new government may have differing ambitions and imagine alternative solutions, the challenges remain, and are seemingly very real and too soon, right here at home, in the UK.

Do we really have time to wait?

Local First

If, like us, you are looking at the world and wondering why such simple solutions to a huge global problem haven’t yet solved it, then do not despair. No, wait. Do despair. Then, like us, decide to dedicate some part of yourself to solving the issue. 

We believe in realistic efficient solutions to problems. We believe that a community approach can make a massive impact on a global scale. It seems the problem is not most efficiently solved nationally by slow moving, politically or fiscally motivated governments and energy companies. We feel that a far greater impact can be achieved far more quickly by taking a localised view.

Sun, wind and water are free resources. Not resources that should be gathered up nationally and sold back to us all.  

Together we can remove some of our reliance upon an aging, underfunded and unreliable infrastructure and gather our own energy, using our own systems, to benefit our own homes, communities and businesses.

At Net Zero Integrated Solutions we aim to provide renewable energy systems that enable this local first approach. We work with our clients to tailor the design to each customer’s geographically unique energy resources (maybe solar only, wind only, maybe solar & wind, maybe solar, wind & water and so on…). Our aim is to help our customers achieve cost effective energy independence or, at the very least, reduce the level of reliance upon national infrastructure and take some control. 

With our products, you won’t need to worry about power outages, and you can start to imagine a world where you are responsible for how you get your own energy. After all, it is there for all of us to harness.

No Downtime

Our solutions are designed to help you save money on infrastructure investment (reducing cabling, conduit and/or trenching costs), lower your energy bills (claim some/all your energy from nature yourself) and reduce/end downtime during a power outage, whilst always protecting equipment from surge damage and unexpected shutdown.

Our energy storage systems can also be monitored via cellular and Wi-Fi networks, so that you know how much power remains and can shut down equipment safely, if necessary.

Net Zero Integrated Solutions are a clean, green alternative to dirty fuel guzzling generators that require high-cost fuel, are rudely noisy, require constant maintenance and emit harmful emissions.

Our Conclusion

You can create and maintain a cleaner, greener home/work environment by partnering with Net Zero Integrated Solutions for all your back-up power needs and get the peace of mind you deserve, using natural resources to keep your battery storage topped up during a power outage.

This approach may start in your home. It may grow to your neighbour, to your village, your town. Local businesses may start to implement the same thinking. Slowly, together we can change the dysfunctional old models and think local first and take control of our own contribution to effective change and energy independence.

Contact us today to learn more.

© Net Zero Integrated Solutions

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